Home-Based Business Policy

In order to be in compliance with Amended Resolution #3 of the Bylaws, members who currently have a home-based business as well as members who want to start a home-based business must apply to the Board of Directors for approval of such business. The following is Amended Resolution #3 as approved by TFBC Membership vote on June 4, 2011:

No trade, craft, business, professional or commercial activity of any kind shall be conducted on any lot unless such enterprises are incidental to residential uses and are transparent to the community. Such incidental uses may not adversely affect the neighborhood or neighbors, or the development, with respect to noise, vibration, visual, traffic, parking, odor or other increase in any such burdens. Anyone wanting to make use of a residential lot within the TFBC development for incidental uses that might be considered to be trade, craft, business, professional or commercial activity must first secure written permission from the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors may withdraw this permission at any time for noncompliance with any aspect of this rule.

Failure to get approval from the TFBC board of Directors for your Home-Based Business will result in the TFBC fine process and fines starting at $100.00.

Home-Based Business Permission Request Form

Revised 2011